Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Corner View & Haunted Humpday ~ Makeup

Since Wednesday's are both Corner Viewing & Haunted Humpday I decided to do a mash up of the two.

 They say the eyes are the window to the soul, I like mine to be framed with arches and cat eyed. Most days I'm just plain Jane, but when I wear makeup I feel an extra color boost to reflect whats inside . These are my "mystical green eyes", they captured my husbands heart at first sight. No need for me to wear a mood ring , they change with my mood shifts.

The perfect time for extreme makeup is Halloween! {E} was a Zombie last year. To whiten her face we used baking flour  and the gore was from my makeup box. I like to use what I have on hand, black eyeliner, dark eye shadow and red lip stain.

And of course a Zombie has to have horrific just clawed and crawled out off the grave nails. If you want to try your hand at it follow my post Zombie nail tutorial. Plenty other tutorials can be found on Pinterest, that's my go to for ideas.

Makeup is also used to make frightening creations. I used black nail polish for the lips and scars, and red polish for the eyes. Mascara was applied to the hair strands for dark highlights. Spiderella was created for a Haunted Doll blog challenge.

Hope you don't mind my mash up of the two postings. More corner viewing can be found @ FouriBorgo. Haunted Humpday delights can be found @Incipient Wings.  36 days until Halloween!


  1. Great mash up - and your eyes are gorgeous! E is an adorable, I mean scary, zombie.

  2. I remember Spiderella, and she's still great!

  3. Your eye make-up is terrific and what a cute little zombie daughter you have! Thanks for the fun tutorial. Cheers, Sarah

  4. Your Halloween makeup tips are perfect... and definitely scary!

  5. Yes, I am with you on eyes! Halloween is such a fun time to get creative!

  6. Yes, I am with you on eyes! Halloween is such a fun time to get creative!

  7. looks like my comment disappeared.
    I love your Spiderella, and the definition of your unusual eye color!


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