Monday, September 22, 2014

Merry Mabon

Merry meet all who visit today on this splendid Mabon Moonday.  The last minutes of Summer are dwindling down. I started of this day with magic, I saw a falling star during the drive to school, did anyone else see it? I spent a mass majority of the morning in the kitchen cleaning and re-arranging things. Here's my window that looks out into the back yard, a cloth was put up because the sun was so bright into the evening.

 Left over orange peels were sliced and dried in the sun for further use in potpourri and other practikal uses.

 {M} and I snacked on apples and talked about harvest and Autumn. I shared with him the star, he was amazed.

When we finally made it outside to play the sky gave us a perfect visual of Summer/Fall in unison.

As they sun was blazing I took some shadow selfies.

I love my witchy silhouette and my Mama curves with peace.

Today was a long day of clearing out the old and bringing in the freshness of something new. Are you ready for what the season holds for you?

Farewell my dear summer, shimmering down in a blaze of glory & memories.

Well the sign speaks for itself!


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