Sunday, September 22, 2024

Magical Mystical Morning

It was a magical mystical Friday morning at Celestial Pines Sanctuary. The misty grey sky and slight dew drizzle brought on the knowledge that yes indeed the turn of the wheel is at hand. Mabon (Autumnal Equinox) is on Sunday. The Fall decor will be up for about two weeks because its almost October and then we are in Halloween Mode. I've done a few projects with lil pumpkins, pinecones, mushrooms, and acorns I must share in another post.

We got our first pumpkins for the porch yesterday, while out doing a little grocery shopping. Lining the porch stairs with pumpkins has become a part of the must have every year decor and traditions. we carve and art 6 pumpkins.  I tend to pick up two every time we go. I shop Aldi's which has them for $5.00 and their pretty good sizes too.

With those boots into the foggy woods I go to start the day and morning chores. I even started the rubbish stick gathering fire in the fire pit and enjoyed the scent of camping in the morning. The bird feeders get refilled and the gardens and plants get a watering.

The entrance to Strega Nona's Garden, freshly adorned with new prayer flags put up on the Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Did you catch the eclipse and the blue violet pulsing plasma around it? The moonglow has been immense for days. There's a Solar Eclipse in the beginning of October.

Lovely purple flowers surprise me as I water the purple sweet potato vine. I have a few of these in big pots and heard they can actually grow sweet potatoes, that would be enjoyable. There is also potato slips in the ground.

Two little squash babies left . Something has come by and nibbled the other budding gourds off. This happened as well with my watermelon vine and the tiny melons emerging.

Pink Texas Star Cypress Vines trellising up the fence above one of our green onion patches. Also blooming are Zinnias. The hummingbirds frequent this space early in the morning.

All the hoot and holler this guy is meant to scare of rabbits and squirrels along with rubber snakes throughout the gardens. The decayed log actually grows wood ear mushrooms when it rains. In front of the owl is an Apple Tree I planted from seed. My grandsons placenta was placed under the tree when transplanted to a bigger pot. The seed was from an apple my daughter ate while pregnant with him.

This photo captured the reflection of the woods on the pond surface. I sat and pondered for awhile, taking in the beauty of my surroundings and the transition of the seasons.

This must be the view our dog Rico has of the yard. We need to mow next weekend, the pokey stickers are emerging, and we tend to bring them indoors and find them in our bare feet in the carpets.

Beautiful mini roses on the porch steps in pots. This bud had just opened this morning, must be taking a fresh inhale and exhale of the moisture and mist in the air.

Sometimes I go about the day and new words get invented on a whim. Rarely do I note it down so a lot of the great ones are lost in the ether. This magical mystic morning brought about gratitude and life's little remembrances that once upon a time I dreamed up and conjured in my mind how the life I'm living now would be!  
Merry Mabon & Happy Fall Y'all 🍁🐿️🍄

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The False Fall

Such trickery Mother Nature has played on us recently. The morning air was crisp and clean with a crystal clear view of twinkling stars, and at night the windows were left open to let in the breeze. Daytime chores outdoors were enjoyable without the prickly sweat and humidity that usually lingers. Two days ago for two days it was indeed Fall. Oh such a precious prelude.... I can't wait.

The garden has been getting constant herb trimmings to use in cooking, drying, and medicine making. A first batch of fire cider has been started. I will strain in a month and then add the honey then. Colds are already making there way around, and being brought into the home.

Into the jars they go. I recycle all the glass jars I come across and have quite a cabinet full. Such a pretty view of trees from my kitchen window. I usually see birds, squirrels, rats, and crows outside this window as I work. The animals love eating the dogfood from the bowls I put there for the dogs. I'm keeping the cider in the pantry in a cool dry dark space to percolate. 

In hopes and dreams for the cool crop season, I purchased seeds on Amazon. Almost everything needs to be grown in pots with brought in soil. Some girls get flowers, I'm kept happy with buckets of dirt and rescue plants. This garden has really come a long way from its humble beginnings.

Today I was busy filling these buckets with soil. I layered the bottom half with sticks and compost items then the rest with soil , think I've heard it called lasagna layering.  Here I'm growing turnips, radish, spinach, mustard greens, collards, kale, brussels sprouts and broccoli. Another section will have a salad bed and carrots.

The herb spiral has gotten yet another trim of oregano, sage, mint, chocolate mint, and pineapple mint. I personally love to put chocolate mint in my hibiscus tea its refreshing. The herbs dry pretty quickly once brought in the kitchen and hung to dry, then jarred up for the Apothecary.

This boneset just popped up and started growing out of nowhere. I was going to collect some and then heard a buzzing by my head as I walked by. The tiny flowers are so fragrant and the bees were having a ball collecting pollen and floating about, I think I'll wait a few days till they had there fill , till I harvest a bit.

Newman Abracadaver resides in the patch keeping an eye on the garden happenings and creatures. I had high hopes for a pumpkin patch this year. A part of the front of the yard was sectioned off with a frame made from one of our old pools from when we first moved here. First I dropped pumpkin seeds in straight soil, that didn't work its mostly sand. I'm growing Marigolds in the plastic pumpkin buckets.

The pack of seeds came with a pumpkin packet. I dropped buckets ground level and filled them with soil, in hopes they would grow up and out the buckets and spread. Vine borers have already taken a few plants out by living in the stems of the vine. Let's see how the need seeded packets does.

The grandson helping with the garden chores chatting it up with Newman. He seems to like Halloween and spooky decor by his reactions in the store when we go through the holiday isles. This guy is happiest exploring outdoors and being a little helper. It's amazing to immerse into toddlerhood again.

This preciosa right her is our granddaughter. She already interacts with her personality, and we cant wait to watch her grow into her own person of wonder. Time fly's by so fast, I feel like I just graduated high school, and started my own family, but that was really a span of 26-25 years ago. Now here I am, still raising my family and helping tend to the branches which are the richest fruits.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

An Intro for the New & Old Faithful

Hello, I'm Holly, and welcome to Gypsy Spirit Rising. A California girl transplanted to Texas seven years ago, who gets lost in her 2 acres and the many eclectic gardens I tend. Also known as keeper of the Sanctuary. Celestial Pines Sanctuary is what we call our home space. The stars at night are big and bright, the mid view is filled with trees, and the ground level is sanctuary to wildlife and a plethora of living things. I tend to do the slow intentional living as SAHM & Nona. We have four children, two sons & two daughters. The oldest son and daughters are adults now. Both of my daughters have expanded our family tree by a grandson & granddaughter. Our youngest son is now a teenager. My husband, I refer to as the Renaissance Man because he is a Jack of all trades. You gotta love a person who rolls with your crazy ideas and does what it takes to make your visions come true.

Thank you for taking your time to read my re-introduction. I have been away from this blogging space due to the demands of domestic life and schedules of the tribe.  Deep bow and appreciation to the blogging community for upholding this platform of readers and writers who immerse their lives and stories together in a connective tapestry like no other. New blog followers, if you can leave a comment with a link back to your site so I can read you and follow back, it would be greatly appreciated❤️

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Beltane Blessings

Flame Dahlia

Deer Mushroom

Texas False Dandelion

Red Chanterelles

Giant Leopard Moth

P.S  I cant believe this is my first post of 2024! Mama & Nona hood keeps me pretty busy. Toddler years are upon us. In August our eldest daughter will bring into this world our first granddaughter. How blessed to have one of each!The family and the garden is growing. The poem of Beltane Blessings is from my instagram, you can connect with me there as well. Just keeping you posted and trying to be more present here.

Monday, December 4, 2023

December Garden Notitas

Sweet Potato Vines


Tomato & Railroad Vine


Bok Choy

Zucchini & Lettuce 

Carrots & Basil Pots

Snapdragon & Lavender 

Mustard Greens & Kale

Bell Peppers 


 Today was a beautiful spring like day in the garden. Although it is December the garden is still green and flourishing. Just thought I'd share a few plants and blooms. We are still getting a few migrating monarchs, and the bees are buzzing about. The garden is my therapy, and I realized this as I haven't been there for a few days. As I opened the gate and strolled myself and the Bambino ( Strega Nona's little apprentice) into the radiant fragrant space we tend to together, the real world and it's troubles released of my shoulders. The sun warmed our bodies and souls.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Silver & Gold

We have put up the glow layer of white Christmas lights and our Christmas decor inside the house. The center of the kitchen table is full of items to be crafted, when I get around to it. I acquired these vintage tart tins at a community storage unit sale a few years ago.  I'm thinking ornaments and jewelry trays. December is upon us and it will probably be hustle and bustle. Posting of decor and crafts will be soon to come.

The family( minus two of our adult children).We wish you an upcoming season of comfort & joy. May we also hold space and compassion for humanity. Extend your hearts and hand when you can.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Merry Making - Marigold Magic

Calendula from my garden

Ingredients: Marigold Oil, Beeswax, Lavender Essential Oil

Literally made with Love

Tin Time

The holidays are just around the corner, and when I can find the time I love merry making of crafts, tinctures, lotions, and potions. Even though the weather has been great out here, everyday chores have our hands drying out , and a few of us are getting small cuts and burns. Marigold Magic salve to the rescue. I extracted calendula flowers into oil. Those baby food jars come in handy for everything! Then melted some beeswax into the oil in a double boiler with a few drops of lavender essential oil for fragrance, the ingredients shown in the photo are not exact measurements. Poured into 2 oz tins, and then labeled for gifting. P.S. we've already started decorating for Christmas. A week ahead more than usual but hey we have been in the spirit , and they way life is we will do all the things that bring us joy when the heart calls it in ♡ 




Tuesday, November 7, 2023

I love a misty fog morning that reminds me of San Francisco. A fire is off in the distance and it smells of Christmas with the mingling of smoke & pine. The temps are warm however for this is really Fall in Texas. The light being earlier by an hour is a pleasant experience by me and the birdsong in the distance. Right now I'm entranced between states & seasons, a wild mix in my realm. Good morning from my neck of the woods 🌲  

Monday, July 17, 2023

Creating Under the Cancer New Moon

Sage & Rosemary Smudges

Ponderosa Pine Besom w/ Galveston Shell

Cempazuchitl _ Marigold

Common Sunflower

Marigold & Sunflower Oil Infusion

The Garden in late Spring

Todays energy had me gathering and creating. The garden has been very abundant in herbs and flora. The vegetables are currently under attack by a rabbit, caterpillars, and moles. Not much has been posted this year about "Strega Nona's Garden", because I have been busy being Strega Nona, Mom, Wife, and keeper of the grounds. I do consider myself blessed I get these precious moments and memories. {L} has graduated high school with her cosmetology license, and doing an amazing job at being a new Mom. I have one kid left in school, can you believe it? {M} is in Jr High when school starts up again. The older son & daughter are adults and have been on their own for a few years. Time sure does fly by, the memories remain full of nostalga and heartache as parenthood changes in stages and ages. Everything must grow, and with these hands I still create.