Monday, April 27, 2020

Purple Rain

Talk about Friday night lights! Thunder and lighting provided quite the light show over many parts of Texas last Friday evening. All my life I have been waiting for that moment when I would capture electricity in motion, and it has arrived. The storm lasted for about an hour, and then concluded with  golfball size hail! Luckily no vehicles were damaged, and the garden was unharmed.

~Notitas ~
  I used to have an intense fear of thunder & lightning. Throughout childhood and into my teens I would run to my mothers bed or need to huddle down with someone. As an adult I was still frightened. California storms are mild compared to all the storms we experienced here thus far. I now enjoy the energy that comes along with the sights and sounds. I can proudly check mark that as a fear I have overcome. Sending strength of all sorts to everyone riding out life's storms 💜


  1. That is the coolest picture, Holly. I'm glad your fear of lightening has subsided. It's a strong force, so many people have the same fear. Golf ball size hail, wow! I would love to have seen that. Your title is perfect for your lightening post. And that photo really is something else. : )


  2. OK now I'm totes jealous, ha. I need to work on my camera skills, ha. Nice pic!!! Glad you are all safe.

  3. That's a super picture.

    We had quite a lot of rain recently but no storms, back to mostly sunny spring days now. I do like this season.

    All the best Jan

  4. I love big storms as long as there are not damaging winds with them. Don't even mind the wind if it isn't tearing everything apart. Hope you have a great Mother's Day- xo Diana


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