Thursday, April 21, 2016

Show Your Mother Some Love

Join [name] at Earth Day Summit 2016

The Shift Network’s Earth Day Summit 2016
On April 22, esteemed green experts, spiritual leaders, innovators, activists, scientists and luminaries from around the globe are coming together to offer us all a renewed sense of hope, real solutions and reverence for Mother Earth. Join Starhawk, Kenny Ausubel, Vicki Robin, Chief Phil Lane, Jr., David Crow, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez and others for this free online gathering — and find inspired actions for a healthy, sustainable and thriving planet.
You’ll discover:
  • Practical steps & innovative solutions for living in harmony with Mother Earth
  • Trusted resources & expert guidance for making sustainable life choices
  • A vibrant community of kindred spirits mobilizing globally to create a thriving planet
  • Ways to take action on local levels as well as national legislative action
  • Powerful methods for increasing community engagement
April 22 —


  1. Awesome! The IEPG will be at our local Earth Day at the park, nothing as fancy and awesome as this, but I am hoping it will be nice.

    1. Hannah have fun out there. I wanted to do something outdoors too but we are forcast rain all day.

  2. Earth Day is a wonderful day to respect and celebrate the planet.

    love, ~Sheri

  3. 'Show your mother some love' yes about time, corporations need to listen to the earths cries and the people who want a sustainable earth for future generations!


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