Monday, April 18, 2016

A Rose or Two for You

Hello and good Monday. A splash of color was needed to greet you when you stop by so I vibed it up a little. I also have roses for you. A side note about my participation in the April prompts. You will find a smattering here and there of the Dark Poetry for the Cruellest Month, if you happen to stop by and find something other than the poetry prompt please do enjoy whatever I have for the day to share. Also April Love 2016 is mostly photography that I share here GypsySpirit916 on my instagram. Now back to those beautiful blooms.

 All of my rose bushes are in full bloom. The suns warmth brings up their fragrance early in the morning and the breeze carries their essence around my home. I've been making bouquets to enjoy indoors also.

 Gathering rose petals for potpourri, lotion and potion making has been on my daily do list. I have collected a huge mason jar of dried petals already. This bowl of fresh red rose petals has been turned into a lovely beneficial natural beauty essential.

 I finally got down to making rose water. A pot of fresh water put to boil and the addition of petals left to simmer and then strain was all I did .The recipe is so simple and many tutorials and list of benefits can be found on Google and YouTube. I can't stop spritzing my face and body, this is a refreshing toner for sure. I hope you enjoyed your roses my beauty's and may this week bring about growth and blooms a plenty.


  1. Your roses are so pretty, Holly, and they look magical in that blue vase. Aahhh, the red rose petals are lovely, and how clever that you made your own rose water. Such a creative soul you are. Off to check out your instagram. Your pictures are awesome.

    love, ~Sheri

  2. "I vibed it up a little". I really love that phrase. To vibe as a verb... just yummy.

    Your garden is such a giver, and you a wise taker... Thank you for the blooms. They bring fresh-scented grins to the mind. ♥

  3. I love the roses and color! It kind of took my by surprise at first, lol.
    I am hoping to get some rose bushes planted soon. I also want to make rose water.
    Have a blessed week!

  4. I'm so happy to have met you through Magaly's April Challenge. Your roses, rose petals and water are beautiful and I could almost smell them. So glad there are still people out here using their talents and treasures. I am a new follower now and cannot wait to see all your upcoming posts and we live close to each other too! Hugs, Rasz


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