Thursday, December 18, 2014

Making Moon Sand

Baby it's cold outside and we long for the days of warm rays and playing on the beach. Roaring waves and sandcastles are things to long for till Spring /Summer arrives next year. But alas don't despair you still can have sand play....indoors! Moon Sand is commercially sold in stores but you can make bulk quantity for much cheaper.

 All you need is two simple ingredients. 8 cups of flour and 1 cup oil. It can be any type of oil you choose, baby oil just makes this moon sand smell so good.

Add the ingredients to a bowl and mix. It really is that simple a 4 year old can do it.

Moon Sand is great sensory bin play. Of course it doesn't have to stay in the container, but in the moments of creativity can get messy.  {M} is making a snowman, which brings me to the next project and future post. 


  1. Oh how clever, Holly. I've never heard of moon sand before. Your son is having such fun making a snowman. The imagination that a child has.

    Have a Merry Christmas, Holly.


  2. I have never heard about moon sand, now you got me curious. Happy Yule!


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