Monday, September 10, 2018

Sneak peek at the Tex Ren Grounds

So this weekend I ventured out and did a little something different than usual, I went to the Texas Renaissance Festival job fair. It was very exciting to learn that when I moved here to my new town that it wasn't very far from one of the biggest Renaissance festivals in the U.S. Although no call backs have been received on a position at the fair I'm excited to show you a little sneak peek of the grounds.

I wish I had brought my camera to get better pics but all I had was my Metro phone. Hopefully I will be attending this year to bring you live views of the fair. If you are inclined check out Texas Renaissance for more details. Now I'm off to do some Fall crafting, I feel the urge to change the indoor decor sooner than I expected.


  1. Love that picture of your son. He looks like a little Renaissance man sitting on his throne. The angel statue is pretty also. What a cute picture of you, Holly. You look like a Renaissance beauty. I think I've only been to one Renaissance festival here in California. Sounds fun.


  2. The grounds are Beautiful and Enchanting... I just love the Renaissance Festivals, the one here in Arizona is something I look forward to annually.

  3. It's gorgeous there! these photos are great:)

  4. Truly amazing! WOW! Love the photos! Big Hugs!


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