Thursday, September 13, 2018

Fall Flower Power

If you follow the earth and its patterns as do the people of the old ways, fall is here. The calender in my book does not predict the change of seasons but as the witch in me would say the turn of the wheel. Here in my neck of the woods even though it is still 90 degrees and humid, the leaves are changing their hue and falling. Varieties of bugs, birds, and their songs are of a different rhythm, things are starting to shift. I can actually say in mid September that I survived my first Texas summer. I am ready to change the indoor decor to reflect the outdoor atmosphere and the new moon in Virgo has me creating and crafting.

All of these items used to craft are Dollar Tree finds except for the vine wreaths which I hooped from my yard. The Calaveras { skull heads} are actually tops to boxes, a few flowers and wallah ode to Frida! Almost had a panic attack when I couldn't find my glue gun when inspiration sparked. I hung the crafts on the wall to take photos and the Hubby said he loved the color and ambiance. So for now they will be left up in the dining room and front door unless a booth or craft  fair opportunity arises then I will sell the handicrafts. On a recent tromp through the Renaissance grounds I spied many gypsy carts and told the Hubby to check out the structure of them in hopes he will one day build me one to sell my wares . He is after all my Renaissance man in the respect that he can build and create anything he puts his mind to. All in due time as the saying goes. What creative projects and endeavours are blowin your way?


  1. I laughed when you said you panicked when you couldn’t find the glue gun when inspiration hits, words from a true artist lol,, I’m pushing watercolour puddles around my journal,,gathering some pine cones and acorns, oak keys, just the normal fall things, nothing special,

  2. Holly, wouldn't that be something to sell your floral arrangements at a craft fair? I heard Texas Summers are hot and humid, so I'm glad that you feel Autumn's arrival around your neck of the woods. You have made some creative items to put here and there in your house. The Dollar Store has lots of cute stuff. I like the Fall colors on the skull. : )


  3. I love the colours of Autumn, I like your craft pieces here.

    All the best Jan

  4. What fun you have created there, Holly. Love that your hubby can build/make things. Mine is he grew up in the building business. He can tell when something is 1/8 of an inch "off" but couldn't do it himself at all. Hope you get your gypsy wagon someday. xo Diana

  5. I giggled when I read that you almost had a panic attack when you couldn't find your glue gun. I know, it's not funny. But since I react the same way when I can't find my perfect pen or pencil or notebook, I completely understand... and know how amusing it is after the glue gun is in your hand again.

    Love those seasonal grins, the way the bloom, what they promise...

  6. I love all your autumn crafts! beautiful! What would we do, without our glue gun? LOL! Big Hugs!

  7. love how everything is looking.
    Glad you feel a change in the season..
    It's still hot here, though, not infernally, like usual:)


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