Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Brighton Beach ~ Bolinas

Each beach I visit has certain charm and experience attached to it. I'm way behind in sharing my oceanic photos from the West Coast beaches I visit, so this week I take you back to the beach. These moments in the sand and sun are from Brighton Beach Bolinas, California.

There is a consistant marine layer here, Bolinas is situated in a lagoon of the Pacific Coast. The air is so fresh and salty that my nose was draining all day, it was very therapuetic. When coming down to the beach past the Brighton art walls you can go either right or left. Here is the view to the left, were we decided to chill for the day.

 Here is a view to the right. There are a few steps that lead to a small overlook . You must get on the beach before hightide or you can't, same goes for when you want to leave.

We found a perfect spot to set up camp, complete with a teepee of all things! Wow we were amused to find such a structure to enjoy. The view up the hill behind us held another treasure.

Does this look familiar? A huge peace sign just hanging there as if to say "hey has this trip brought you the peace your were seeking"? A resounding yes leaped from my soul.

Another awesome beach structure. This hut is big enough to fit a small adult and is perfect little hide out for kids. The entrance was lined on both sides with drift wood.

 This is a beachcombers paradise. The variety of rocks and shells that get swept to shore are so diverse. Rocks in all shapes and sizes were smoothly tumbled, and some had perfect holes worn into them. We found pumice and some beach glass also.

 The girls looking for shells and heart shaped rocks. I'll have to admit we did take home a collection of sea treasures, besides the memories made here.

 More exploration on the "Groin". Off in the distance behind the fog you can spy the Stinson Beach Community.

In architecture the term groin refers to the projecting curved line along where two insecting vaults meet. Good to know so the surfers don't approach the slab underneath.

 Along the groin these two young surfers were swimming then scooping up something wiggly with there hands. As I approached I asked if I could take a photo.

 Handful of sand crabs. This photo doesn't do this moment justice these were crawling quickly like scattering scarabs in "The Mummy". Kinda creepy and cool at the same time.

Speaking of surfing I was amazed at all the "Grommets" (surfer slang for young surfer) out surfing without a care in the world. It was as if the parents waved goodbye from their bungalows and yelled " honey have a great surf ,come home before dinner" type of life. 

 Despite the sign,  I did not witness any naked surfing. Maybe this is a naked surfing spot but we were there on a Tuesday. Sometimes the photographer has to have a photo op.

 Before we packed up for the day {M} had to play in the epic sand pit. All day kids came and went shoveling sand and playing out adventures.

Summer is dwindling down which means beach visits will give way to crisp days in other nature settings. I honestly need the beach! To me the beach is were I throw all my worries and stress out to the sea, and then rejuvenate with all the elemental magic the water and sand have to offer. In the next post I will share another wonderful beach spot. This weekend brings dreams come true, {S} is turning 16 soon and wishes to celebrate in Santa Cruz, so I'm off to be a beach bum once again before it's time for sweaters and boots.


  1. It's been so long since I've seen the ocean. Definitely on my to-do list for the coming month (or so)! Beautiful photos!

  2. I've never been to the ocean when it was warm out. I've missed out on the whole beach experience, lol, but am enjoying the ones you've had with your kiddos. I've also never been to the southern part of Cali, well, I have but only long enough for my Grandma to drive 5 minutes into that part of the state, turn around and head back east (they took me on a Southwest Vacation one summer).

  3. I love the first picture. Not just the beach, but the background. Wow! And the "Handful of sand crabs" has me wild-eyed. I can imagine them running away and leaving the hands... Just fantastic!


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