Monday, July 13, 2015

Interval Yoga 30 Day Challenge ~ Day 1

So far this Monday is going great. As I was drinking my coffee  checking my e-mails and messages I got a great surprise on Instagram. I had told Ali Kamenova I needed a spiritual change and was looking forward to the challenge and that I might just blog this new venture. She responded with " yes do it! I will share your blog". I was floored and did a little happy dance. The situation got very real at that moment and now it's time to do the work to begin the journey.

I'm starting of the challenge in the beginner level even though I practice yoga on and off through the years. Today will be an assessment of were my physical capability's lay.

 The full weeks schedule can be found here.

Pose Of The Dancer

Official hashtag for the 30 day Selfie Instagram Challenge is #intervalyoga30daychallenge @alikamenovatv. I hope you join us!


  1. Holly, I've always wanted to do a yoga class. It sounds so interesting. Love this picture of you, you look so balanced. And of course, your flowers in the background caught my eye. :~)


    1. There were plenty of photos of me falling over and laughing. The roses and flowers are our butterfly habitat that attracts all sorts of pollinators.I would give the yoga a try, I love that I can do it at home for I'm not very social.


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