Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Corner View ~ Routine

I have to admit since the kids have been out of school I've fallen out of routine. No need to bus around kids to and from school has me inconsistent about the flow of the day. Hot lazy and unbearable heat is also to blame. Great that today's corner view post is routine because this is the day that I finally fallen back into mine.

About 2 weeks ago I had gotten ill and was able to only lay in bed fevered for a week. Not doing my usual routine of getting up early, exercising and making proper nutritious meals to nourish myself are probably part of the culprit. I was out of balance and out of touch.

This very morning was the 180. I got up at 4:00 a.m. with a fresh perspective on life in general and the directions I want to go. Blame it on my gypsy soul to want to travel and endeavour and I feel that pull so much more these days. So far this morning I had ginger lemon tea instead of coffee and I got my workout done. Next up is house cleaning, meal prep, a well over due trip to the library with the kids, and hopefully a day of inspirations to lead me into the new. Routines are essential for flow and balance, and when  aligned your light illuminates and the world becomes brighter off your spark.

~ Namaste ~

For more "routine" from around the globe visit FuoriBorgo.


  1. I think you found a beautiful balance between routine and your gipsy soul (I like this ;)).

  2. that's why I love and hate holidays. IT does throw everyone into chaos, but we learn to go with the flow. I try to keep my routines but then just tweak them around a little.

    'namaste' to you too.

  3. i guess that in order to love the routine, we have to go out of it from time to time.
    enjoy the holidays with the children!

  4. i'm not good woth a morning routine, i'm more of an afternoon person, than i brighten up!
    but being with my friend i go with his routine and that;s getting up on time, eating on be honest, his routine is better for me!!

  5. Sounds like a great day you've planned! And I agree - a morning routine is essential to your health and well being. Sadly, once you skip a day, it's hard to get back on track! Hope you're feeling better.

  6. Good to hear you are doing better! I go through phases of being out of the usual. I just go with it. But finding myself back on track is always great.

  7. I`m inspired by your early morning routine!!
    I will like to challenge myself and try it at least sometime this summer:))

  8. Yes, it hard to have a routine when the kids are out of school or find time for oneself. Only a few weeks more and they are back in school. I am doing a happy dance on this side of the screen.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sorry to hear you were sick, Holly. Yes, I remember the routine of kids at different schools, and it seems like yesterday. I love this picture, you look so peaceful, and I could use a little balance in my life right now. Just found out my brother-in-law is very sick, and all is not right in my world right now. But I thank you for reminding me that balance is the key (and that library sounds so nice).

    love, ~Sheri

  11. You are pretty adorable in your yoga balance pose. There's nothing like a trip to the library with much magic in a single book. Enjoy summer!

  12. You are pretty adorable in your yoga balance pose. There's nothing like a trip to the library with much magic in a single book. Enjoy summer!

  13. I thrive with no routine, and suffocate when our days are all planned out ahead. But even when we have no strict routine, there are musts and duties that have to be part of the day. Love the photo!


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