Wednesday, September 4, 2024

An Intro for the New & Old Faithful

Hello, I'm Holly, and welcome to Gypsy Spirit Rising. A California girl transplanted to Texas seven years ago, who gets lost in her 2 acres and the many eclectic gardens I tend. Also known as keeper of the Sanctuary. Celestial Pines Sanctuary is what we call our home space. The stars at night are big and bright, the mid view is filled with trees, and the ground level is sanctuary to wildlife and a plethora of living things. I tend to do the slow intentional living as SAHM & Nona. We have four children, two sons & two daughters. The oldest son and daughters are adults now. Both of my daughters have expanded our family tree by a grandson & granddaughter. Our youngest son is now a teenager. My husband, I refer to as the Renaissance Man because he is a Jack of all trades. You gotta love a person who rolls with your crazy ideas and does what it takes to make your visions come true.

Thank you for taking your time to read my re-introduction. I have been away from this blogging space due to the demands of domestic life and schedules of the tribe.  Deep bow and appreciation to the blogging community for upholding this platform of readers and writers who immerse their lives and stories together in a connective tapestry like no other. New blog followers, if you can leave a comment with a link back to your site so I can read you and follow back, it would be greatly appreciated❤️

1 comment:

  1. Hello Holly, it was good to see you back here again. So happy to hear of your granddaughter coming into the world. It's great being a grandma, and they sure do grow fast. I love your cozy Fall Header, and hope to see more of your Fall happenings on here this season. Also, your profile pic is just stunning. Love everything about it.

    Happy September Holly!

