Monday, February 10, 2020

Days in The Garden - Imbolc

Imbolc and Super Bowl Sunday fell on the same day this year. The morning had to be filled with connecting to Earth early in order to watch the game. I'm not a big football fan, but my daughters team was in the Super Bowl. California love always but they didn't win. Shakira and J-Lo halftime show yasssss! My daughter and I fist bumped a few times at the commercials that expressed girl/woman power. It's time for us girls no matter what stage we are in our womanhood to realize being female is bad ass and we need to remind the world of that!

Herb'n Legends spiral is coming along. All the herbs I transplanted from other pots took. No seedlings sprouted yet. The weather had been freezing in the mornings and warm at  noon. According to the Old Farmers Almanac our last frost date is in mid March for our zone 8.

I would love rosemary and lavender spread around the garden, so I started propagating from main plants. Purchasing more at the garden center will probably fill my immediate need. I miss my lavender plantings and crafting I did back at my old home. I have no roses over here either and I miss that as well.

A few asparagus shoots are ready to cut and eat. Patiently waiting the next emergence. The chives  planted around them are doing well and being added to recipes. May just have to chop some to dry out for spice mixes. My kitchen counter is starting to have bowls of herbs and peels drying.

We took two pallets and lined the back of them with some landscaping cloth we had in storage. I stapled the cloth to the planks so when filled the soil would settle in place. I took this approach from watching some YouTube videos on Strawberry Pallet planting.

I really liked the way this set up looked visually, but then the Renaissance Man intercepted the plan. He made a brace out of wood unto our fence and we put them on a leaned angle to provide stability and help with rain erosion. He's a pro landscaper, no arguing with that.

Strawberry roots were patterned into the soil. This is the new equal sun layout next to the rain barrel watering system ( which is still another project in itself). We shall see how this turns out. If the strawberries don't work out I will try something else.

At Celestial Pines Sanctuary we have a variety of garden spaces. Here is a glimpse of the meditation path zen labrinth. I finally cleared the leaves and pinecones off the path. The stones needed to be put back in order because the big dogs run through them and scatter them. The stump seating is a new addition.

Even though celebrations and turn of the wheel were over a week ago, here's in hopes that they were filled with seeds of intention for the future.


  1. The meditation path is so coot, and you put your own personal items in there I see. Asparagus, wow! They are so expensive at the store, and what a treat that will be for you. Keep gardening, Holly. It provides so much goodness for your family. Happy Valentine's Day, lovely friend.


  2. My Piano Man and I celebrated Imbollike c and enjoyed the game, too. We both like the 49ers, but a dear friend of hours practically worships the Chiefs (so we were happy for him).

    I can't stop smiling at your garden!


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