Thursday, October 10, 2019

Oopps I Done It Again

I played with my blog layout because I didn't like the massive size the photos were in posts and other quirks. I forgot to download a copy of my layout and had to start from scratch. Apology's if you have stopped by for a visit and things were out of whack. So I have scrambled hastily to get back together my  list of blogs I follow. Please be dears and leave your link back in comments so I can add you back to the sidebar. Okay frustration rant over for now. Here's an Autumn photo to enjoy for stopping in.

Fall has arrived in H.E.B. Magnolia


  1. Oh, I love this picture, Holly. Pumpkins in every shape and color. There's just something about the traditional orange ones though. They get to me every time. ; ) I bet those Texas barbecues sure are good.


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Oh, wow! I bet that was frustrating. But change can be good, too. May this be a new start (it seems appropriate, with the Witches' New Year on the way).

    My link:

  4. LOL- One reason I never play with my blog! lol I love visiting you and change is not always a bad thing. It looks good to me! xo Diana


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