Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Days In The Garden - Growth

Welcome back to the garden ! A lot of growth has occurred in the time between post. I have been keeping busy  with everyday homelife and parenting here on Celestial Pines Homestead. The end of April in the garden is the start of plant blooms. I could hardly contain my excitement when early morning into the garden  blossoms greet me. The weather out here in the beginning of May has been insane, torrential rain, thunderstorms and tornadoes has been swiping through our local counties lately. Luckily for me the tornadoes have just been a warning and have not touch down physically here, but have been cycling around the area where my husband works lately. As for the torrential rain , well that means sometimes mother nature has taken care of the watering for the day or two. Here are a few greens currently growing.

Mesculan Lettuce

Baby Butter Leaf

Mixed bed with Lettuce-Onion-Cucumbers

Flower Starts & Sprouts


Pumpkin -Carrots -Squash

Misc Veggie Starts

In Pot Patio Tomatoes

Straight 8 Cucumber Blossom

Summer Squash Blossom

Honey Rock Cantaloupe

Texas Firewheel/ Indian Blanket

Tomatillo in Pots

Royalty Purple Pod Bean

Eggplant & Guardian

I hope you enjoyed the little garden update. So far we have had a few salads straight from garden to table. Tending to my garden is a form of meditation and urges me to go outside early before the heat and humidity take over. What growth and blooming is happening in your neck of the woods?


  1. I'm so glad the tornadoes are leaving you alone (mostly). And yes, on letting Nature do the watering every now and again. You are both doing such a fantastic job! At this rate, you'll be able to feed the entire neighborhood. Your garden looks glorious.

    On my bit of the world, the Green Mother was been doing some watering too. My wee garden is looking yummy. My lettuce (only two plants, lol) are looking mightly tasty. I think I will be able to make a tiny salad soon. ;-)

  2. Oh what a Wonderful Harvest you shall have with your Amazing Victory Garden! You are transforming your slice of Paradise beautifully!

  3. Your garden is coming along nicely, Holly. And those home grown tomatoes, there's nothing like them. The Texas Firewheel is pretty and so unique. Can't wait to see your Royalty Purple Pod in full bloom. I see that mischievous frog likes your garden too. ; ) Enjoy planting and digging your hands deep in the soil - it teaches us.


  4. Please take care with the weather!
    Your garden is looking amazing! Wow girl! Lots of love in your garden, it shows!! Big Hugs!

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