Monday, December 31, 2018

A Quick Reflection

As I compose this write, I'm a bit stuffy with a cold that has been going around. And yes in the other lands of media you did see me at a football game yesterday. Nonetheless today is going to be a humble day of cleaning, reflection and goal setting. You see this past year has been pretty good with getting the the lay of the land and new state. Last January  we moved into our new house and set up the basics of the homestead. Jobs were attained, everyday living happened. I did fall into bad habits as well and need to get back on track. Sobriety a few days short of 5 years was ruined at the end of last December and I have been drinking since, that has got to change. Bad food consumption and lack of exercise has made me unwell in my mind, body, and spirit. I'm turning 39 in 2 days and want to start the journey back to wellness today. Let's set intentions tonight and be diligent with wishes that serve us well. Salud to the New Year! Brightest Blessings to you all.


  1. I like many of your resolutions on here, Holly. It's hard not to fall into the bad eating habits around the holidays, and especially when you don't have a sink faucet for a few days and can't cook haha, but we make do, don't we? And that's one of the best things I love about you. You appreciate what you have at the moment you're living in it. Happy New Year to one of my favorite blogging sisters. Wishing you peace and kindness, Holly, and kindness to yourself too, as you are so deserving of it.

    love, ~Sheri

  2. I love that "stay weird." I'll have to stick to that!

  3. Believe in you! I do!! Happy New Year and Happy Birthday! Big Hugs!

  4. May you regain your hard won Sobriety again in 2019... and attain all that you Hope for! For us 2018 wasn't so great so I was ready for new beginnings even tho' no magic happened at the stroke of Midnight. *smiles* Been trying to get The Son into Rehab, but he's 32 and it has to be his decisions on the path he chooses to take as a grown ass Man... still... hard for the Mom in me to step aside and not try to be helpful but without enabling. I'm so Glad you have an optimistic attitude as the New Year rolls in, I agree with Magic Love Crow, Believe in YOU!

  5. Big Hugs, you will get back there! You've accomplished so many wonderful things already and I know you will do many many more! I hope you get to feeling better soon!

  6. "Believe I can", I like those words. I hope 2019 will be a great year for you including sobriety.



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