Friday, November 18, 2016

Manifesting Couches

{ The current living room...before it gets sprinkled with holiday cheer }

In June I woke up one morning looked at my old couches and was appalled to a point that I  had the Renaissance Man take them to the dumps immediately. They have been well worn by family use and spotted on by Chico (our dog) while gone on vacation. So I had moved the kitchen set into the living room as seating, which was okay for summertime but now the chill has officially set in. It's cuddle snuggle time with blankets and Netflix so new couches are a must.

So now for the manifesting part. I took Flora Sages's five day manifesting challenge not long ago. Basically it's the magnetic thought of attracting to you what you desire and knowing without a shadow of a doubt it's on it's way. I put out to the Universe that I wanted couches for free. I waited a month and then decided it's time to go and buy new couches. We shopped and  picked out a couch set but would have to wait for them about a week delivery  if we couldn't bring them home then. I called my Dad to see if I could borrow his truck and my Stepmom said" why are you buying couches, I was going to see if you wanted my set upstairs", enter the manifestation come to fruition.

Bonus to this story! After we brought the couches home we went to Home Depot to buy leather wipes and other home supplies. While there Renaissance Man said " show me those appliances your were talking about the other day as a Black Friday sale". It was just a random thought about having new stainless steel appliances I spyed online. After showing him and explaining the current state of our stove and fridge he was sold. The total came up to the exact amount of cash I had in my pocket that was for couches earlier in the day! I'm keeping my manifesting mindset well tuned and making improvements in many aspect of my life. Put out what you wish for and wait for it, don't forget the attitude of gratitude once it appears.


  1. So nice that you got new couches and you didn't have to buy any after all. Yes, things like that happen to me often. I happened to receive a little money when my aunt passed away because she didn't have any family living, and it happened to be the same amount that I needed to move into my new place. It came at the perfect time. That was nice of your husband to buy you the stainless steel appliances that you wanted. Enjoy your new couches.

    Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving, Holly, with that precious family of yours.

    love, ~Sheri

  2. I need to start borrowing your manifestation mindset too. Just imagine the amount of fresh mangoes I would get. Perhaps, even fresh king crab legs. :-D

    Love the new living room.

  3. Yes, Yes, Yes!!!! I have been truly doing this, since the beginning of this year and it for sure works! But, you have to be grateful and thankful and at a truly loving state of mind, (that's what I feel). Congrats with everything! I love the couch!!!! Big Hugs!

  4. Wow, this is so awesome!!! I need to try this with fire wood and maybe even a headboard!
    I am so glad you have new couches and new appliances! How freaking exciting is that?! *hugs*


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