Friday, May 6, 2016

The First Photo Friday

Hello all you beautiful people from around the globe. Even though it's gloomy, gray and raining over here in Cali, I'm in a chipper mood. If your just getting to know me, I love Friday's and photography. I tend to snap pictures randomly throughout the week and they sometimes just end up sitting in my photo gallery without making it to a blog post or shared on social media. An idea occurred to me to make a day to post pics with no other agenda but to share a moment or a few from my week on the homestead and beyond. I know some of you feel me on this one so.........let's share!

Participating is simple & fun. Post your "Photo Friday" on your blog,  then stop by here and leave your link to your post in the comments so others can enjoy your pics and moments from the week. If this thing catches on I will post a list of participants on my side bar. So without further ado here is my "Photo Friday" contribution.

Oh yes sparrows I am well aware that the feeder is empty. The robins, doves. and miscellaneous other feathered friends had feasted before they got here. Also my  Raven's tend to take flight off the top of the feeder and knock seeds to the ground. When I take a pause outside throughout my day I sit quietly and watch their bird dramas unfold, and have my camera ready.


  1. I love that one bird is looking right at the camera and the seems to be lowering its head as if its really camera shy. So cute. And so bright.

    You know I just adore photos, too. And who doesn't love Fridays, right? I already posted today, and the photo on the post is not mine, so... I shall add no link. But count on me for next Friday!

  2. I love this idea and will be joining as soon as I can get a new photo card. My phone takes lousy pictures. I have a little bit out nature drama in my back yard too. We get lots of birds and squirrels who play, run, and fly around. Some even come right up on the patio. Amanda said last night that two squirrels came up to her. Narcisa likes to watch all of this and sometimes chases the birds and what have you, going from one window to the next inside the house. Its perfect cat TV!


Thanks for stopping by, please leave a link back to your site so I can visit you!