Monday, January 5, 2015

Wolf Moon Energy & New Beginnings

It truly is amazing how quiting a bad habit can unlock a chain reaction psychically and mentally in one's self. Always was the search to what my mission on this earthly plain is. Toxic liquid I thought was releasing my mind actually was an ocean of obscurity. When tides ebb & pull the mysteries and beauty underneath the surface are revealed. How blind was I to try to become brighter with dimness clouding my vision. It has only been a week of sobriety, but I feel f&*#%n awesome. The Full Wolf Moon energy can be felt even now during the day time.

Happy New Year everyone. My daughter kept saying new year revelation and revolution instead of resolution, I kept correcting her but it turns out she was right. My mindset for 2015 is to take it day by day and fully live in the moments to cherish everyday. Life is a roller coaster, with eyes wide open and both hands holding on tight enjoy the ride.

(photo taken @ Six Flags Discovery Kingdom this past weekend to celebrate my 35th birthday)

~  Blessings of health, wealth , and happiness for this new year ~


  1. Holly, I don't make resolutions any more. I just try to be the best me that I can. How funny that your daughter kept calling it "revelation." Happy 35th Birthday to you! Six Flags is certainly a fun way to spend your day. I wish you peace and lots of love in the new year.


  2. Oh, I will post a new year quote tomorrow, and I think you'll like it, as you are such a soul sister. :~)

  3. best wishes for your resolution/revelation, i hope the year continues on this brighter path for you.


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