Saturday, December 6, 2014


I'm glad to report that the storm clouds around my mind and heart have lifted. As for hometown weather well that's a different story, rain off and on with wind and and occasional flooding, but I can't complain were still in severe drought conditions. 

Maybe it continues to rain because my children can't help dancing when the opportunity arises. The joy and endless smiles they display while doing the simplest littlest things in life warms my heart and reminds me that it's the little moments that make memories.

 On December first I did wake up with a new perspective as I had hoped for on my previous post. The magic of words can be so profound. Words and goals flowed out of me at 5:00 a.m. and I jotted them down on paper to be a constant reminder. So far so good.

 A lot of baking and making sweet treats has been going on around here. The oven baking keeps the humble homestead warm & cozy. My youngest children are the best sous chefs.

We've been crafting too. These set of Reindeer ornaments are $2.88 for a 12 pack at Walmart. A few odds and ends and a glue gun and we made some awesome ornaments for the tree. I'll have to post the after pic later.

The tree is up but is yet to be decorated. Tonight while be our little tree trimming ceremony. Oh did I mention we have been snuggling up on the couch and watching a copious amount of Christmas shows and movies? I hope all of you are having a great kick off to December and all it has in store.

Beautiful Blessings to you this weekend and upcoming week.


  1. Haha! "Like Christmas". More like June in Sweden :)

  2. Holly,
    I saw your rainbow on my blog, and had to come over and see. You have a new blog design - I love it! And your picture on the side bar is enchanting and lovely. It looks like you're getting into the Christmas spirit. What do you think of this rain? Sacramento is not far from me, and it would be so nice to meet someday. The kids will have fun decorating your tree. I really miss those days.

    Everything looks great on your blog, and I have always loved your name, Gypsy Spirit Rising.



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