Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Corner View ~ Darkness

"Just Me & A Tree"

Fall is here and darkness is taking over light, except on this day there was shadow play going on. The tall wise witch with her broomstick going to consult the snake. Don't worry it's just my hose, I had to throw a little seasonal fun in the mix. Enjoy more takes on darkness by visiting fuoriborgo, and have a lovely rest of the week.


  1. haha, great! and very seasonal! (PS now I'm curious, what were you wearing?:))

    1. I was wearing a short summer dress so it's amazing that it looks nothing like that at all. The crepe mrytle tree is pretty tall and I'm only 5 feet, yet the tree doesn't seem much taller.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I visited yours but was not able to leave a comment on wordpress. Geocaching sounds like quite an adventure especially in the dark.

  3. great way to do it, also your comment here!!!

  4. Very inventive, I like it. Welcome to CV :)


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