Friday, May 16, 2014

Checking In

 So here's a post of miscellany. Just stopping in to say hello to everyone. The past three weeks has been a mixed bag of nuts. I've been suffering from muscle strain in my neck and shoulders from a workout obviously gone wrong. The garden is still a dry un- mowed un- plowed plot of grass. An addition of two extra children for the week has kept me on my toes, I forgot what it was like to have a baby even though my last child is 3 1/2 yrs old. I did get the chance to sneak away to the beach for a Mother's Day weekend getaway, which I hopefully get around to posting before the nostalgia has left me in a fog. Here's hoping everyone has a memorable weekend full of rest and adventures. Signing off to plop down in bed and have magical Full Flower Moon dreams.

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