Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Snow Daze
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Holiday Traditions
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Life is Grand
Just dropping in to say hello to everyone and give the blog a little holiday upgrade. Here's us with our grandbabies on the day of giving & thanks. Life is going by so fast. The weather is chilly in the morning and night, delightful during the day. The gardens still growing strong, were currently building a hoop greenhouse to protect during the winter months. Rain is expected today and on and off this week.
Home Depot had a massive Poinsettia sale on black Friday 2 for $ 2.50 so I had to get a cart full. We originally just went there for greenhouse material but I'm not going to pass up a plant sale. Tis the season to be Holly.
I transplanted the poinsettias to bigger pots I spray painted in a beautiful sage green. This is the porch decor so far, still need to get the outdoor Christmas decor from the shed. Still working on setting up Christmas / Yule in the house.Sunday, September 22, 2024
Magical Mystical Morning
Pink Texas Star Cypress Vines trellising up the fence above one of our green onion patches. Also blooming are Zinnias. The hummingbirds frequent this space early in the morning.
All the hoot and holler this guy is meant to scare of rabbits and squirrels along with rubber snakes throughout the gardens. The decayed log actually grows wood ear mushrooms when it rains. In front of the owl is an Apple Tree I planted from seed. My grandsons placenta was placed under the tree when transplanted to a bigger pot. The seed was from an apple my daughter ate while pregnant with him.
This photo captured the reflection of the woods on the pond surface. I sat and pondered for awhile, taking in the beauty of my surroundings and the transition of the seasons.
This must be the view our dog Rico has of the yard. We need to mow next weekend, the pokey stickers are emerging, and we tend to bring them indoors and find them in our bare feet in the carpets.

Saturday, September 14, 2024
The False Fall
In hopes and dreams for the cool crop season, I purchased seeds on Amazon. Almost everything needs to be grown in pots with brought in soil. Some girls get flowers, I'm kept happy with buckets of dirt and rescue plants. This garden has really come a long way from its humble beginnings.
This boneset just popped up and started growing out of nowhere. I was going to collect some and then heard a buzzing by my head as I walked by. The tiny flowers are so fragrant and the bees were having a ball collecting pollen and floating about, I think I'll wait a few days till they had there fill , till I harvest a bit.
Newman Abracadaver resides in the patch keeping an eye on the garden happenings and creatures. I had high hopes for a pumpkin patch this year. A part of the front of the yard was sectioned off with a frame made from one of our old pools from when we first moved here. First I dropped pumpkin seeds in straight soil, that didn't work its mostly sand. I'm growing Marigolds in the plastic pumpkin buckets.
The pack of seeds came with a pumpkin packet. I dropped buckets ground level and filled them with soil, in hopes they would grow up and out the buckets and spread. Vine borers have already taken a few plants out by living in the stems of the vine. Let's see how the need seeded packets does.
The grandson helping with the garden chores chatting it up with Newman. He seems to like Halloween and spooky decor by his reactions in the store when we go through the holiday isles. This guy is happiest exploring outdoors and being a little helper. It's amazing to immerse into toddlerhood again.
This preciosa right her is our granddaughter. She already interacts with her personality, and we cant wait to watch her grow into her own person of wonder. Time fly's by so fast, I feel like I just graduated high school, and started my own family, but that was really a span of 26-25 years ago. Now here I am, still raising my family and helping tend to the branches which are the richest fruits.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
An Intro for the New & Old Faithful
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Beltane Blessings
Monday, December 4, 2023
December Garden Notitas
Today was a beautiful spring like day in the garden. Although it is December the garden is still green and flourishing. Just thought I'd share a few plants and blooms. We are still getting a few migrating monarchs, and the bees are buzzing about. The garden is my therapy, and I realized this as I haven't been there for a few days. As I opened the gate and strolled myself and the Bambino ( Strega Nona's little apprentice) into the radiant fragrant space we tend to together, the real world and it's troubles released of my shoulders. The sun warmed our bodies and souls.