Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Haunted Humpday Has Returned

As the title expresses Haunted Humpday has returned, actually it started a week ago and I feel a little like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date". For those new to Haunted Humpday it is an every Wednesday up to Halloween post about Halloween goodness and haunting tales. I usually don't have a ghostly story in my post but our hostess with the mostest Marfi of Incipient Wings always has a tale to chill your bones. So without further ado....

 Every year I go with the flow when decorating for Halloween and this year I have a strong urge to do a lot of Dia de los Muertos flair. This giant calavera is displayed at a dart balloon game booth on the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and the prize is a colorful skeleton...I must get one. Were going to the boardwalks 150th birthday celebration, there will be fireworks and fun!

I picked this book up on my latest thrift store trip. Everyday Grace seems to be the kind of book to take notes along with hence the notebook or perhaps will turn onto a few post, I just opened it yesterday. The feathers I collect everyday from my yard,  I give thanks and gratitude from my feathered allies for gifting them to me. The tiny pumpkin is actually aged rosehip from my roses. 

I'm in love with these witch hat earrings I made. I found a bag of six hats on discount at Michaels and was going to use them as adornments for mini besoms but they did not hang correctly but they fit perfectly on hooks. This was going to be an Etsy item but I decided against opening an Etsy shop after much mental debate and financial calculations. 

I actually made a physical sign for the online shop as a banner photo. Perhaps one day I will have a craft booth and then I can hang my sign an lure people to my goods and wares.

 Some more handicrafts I finally finished. The sachet is filled with lavender harvested from my yard. I come to realize cross stitching takes  quite a bit of time to complete a whole project, so I will probably resume it once the weather is cold and there is less outdoor work to be done. I'm off now to plan my Mabon celebration which I always seem to due last minute. 
Happy Haunted Humpday!


  1. Holly! this is a great post!
    I adore Dia de los muertos, that calaca is gorgeous.
    and your earrings! Oh my gosh!so cute and you made those?
    all your crafts are amazing. But you're right, a friend of mine used to cross stitch and while the outcome is beautiful the work is very time consuming. But, wow! so worth it!
    Can't wait to see the goodies you create once it's chilly out.
    Thank you, once again for playing post is finally done, if you want to have a peek.

    blessings to you and your family this Mabon eve.

  2. I am still late for Haunted Humpday. But I usually start in October.

    I love those earrings, Holly! And I have no idea you have been thinking about an Etsy shop. I was thinking about the same for a while, and put the idea on hold (indefinitely) for similar reasons. Maybe one day, we'll both have our booths.

    Happiest Humpday and a most bountiful Autumnal Equinox, my sweet! ♥

  3. ok, these earrings are so cool. You must keep making earrings, my friend. And the cross stitch you finished turned out great! Love the "Gypsy Spirit Goods" sign. It's colorful and creative, and maybe you will use it someday, never know. ;)

    love, ~Sheri

  4. Everything you've made looks wonderful and I hope that you do get to open a craft booth. Maybe that's something to shot for next summer?

  5. I love the witch hat earrings and I love the tiny rosehip pumpkin! Adorable! Also I think I need to get involved in this haunted humpday thing too ^_^


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