Tuesday, August 16, 2016


There is all the space I need in my personal bubble now that all four of the kids are back in school, and my brain can breathe. Chico just stares at me and follows me around the house, I think he loves the attention because now theres no one to talk out loud to but him. The Summer was go on a whim non scheduled stretch of months. I'm pretty proud of myself that I let the perfectionist orderly in me take a vacation. Oh yes there is quite a few sides to me that I'm surprised my parents didn't  name me Sybil. Maybe I should let all of my personas take over this blog and suck you into the vortex of my everyday.

With this extra space and time to breathe freely, I think I will start this week off by doing around the house paint repairs. Fall is on my mind and I hope to get the house in order and cleaned out to start the season off fresh and inspired. Less chores means........more craft time.......and maybe a "Gypsy Spirit Goods" grand opening on Etsy. Truth is I created an account but do not have one single item to finish the set up process. I'm scared and unsure about this endevour but if you wait for the right time it nevers comes. There is technically no right time anyways, if you are pulled to something over and over most the time all you need is the euphoric jump off the cliff and revel in what the uncertian waters hold for you.

So with a deep breathe and a long exhale I'm opening the door to my full reality to all of you!


  1. Holly, I think that's great that there are many sides to you. I think there usually is with the most creative people. I can't believe the kids have started school already. It's so nice that you shared the summer with them in unexpected and carefree ways. Can't wait to see your etsy shop. I was thinking of starting my own with a few of my photos.

    Enjoy the rest of the summer days, as our favorite Fall is upon us. :)

    love, ~Sheri

    1. Just checked out your awesome instagram pics. Naked surfing?.....haven't heard of that one yet. hahahaha You look so pretty in that picture.

  2. Best of luck in your etsy shop endeavors. I know it can be overwhelming, but you can never succeed if you don't try! :)


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