Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Haunted Humpday Throw Back ~ The Tragedy's of Dyer Lane

I was so excited to post some of my Halloween crafts I've been creating with you all on this Humpday...and then I realized my husband took the only charger that connects my phone to the lap top with him to work! I will post my projects as they are completed throughout the weeks and next H.H. I will reveal my yard {which is still a work in progress}. So without further ado I will pull from the vault " The Tragedy's of Dyer Lane ". Sorry for the extra click, mercury retrograde has not left me alone yet ......sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for showing this one again.. It's so creepy!
    We have an area around here that seems creepy to us... Lots of trees and graffiti
    But it's nothing like this! Thanks for participating:-)


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