Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Mid Summer Madness

The anticipation is building... two more weeks and the school year begins. Lot's of prepping going on for everyone to begin smoothly with everything in order. We have High School, Jr. High, Elementary, and Kindergarten this year. Did I mention  four different schools! Challenge accepted... It's time to do an "in the now" check in for the new month, and see what comes to fruition. 

MAKING:  Chalkboard paint crafts
COOKING:  Broccoli leaves
READING: Just finished Arcadia
WANTING: Peace & Quit
LOOKING: For a two story cottage or farmhouse (daydreaming our next house)
SEWING: Nothing yet, there is quite a pile growing
WISHING: For a change of scenery
ENJOYING: A cool breeze and sprinkles with 85 degree weather
WAITING: For school to begin :)
LIKING:  Hippie Huts
WONDERING: What my true life calling is ?
LOVING: The coast
HOPING: One day I can be closer to the beach
MARVELING: How crafty people can be
NEEDING: Time to meditate
SMELLING: Fresh baked cake
WEARING: Tank top & shorts
FOLLOWING: My instincts
NOTICING: Changes around town
KNOWING: Listening is important
THINKING: It's bedtime for the kiddos
BOOKMARKING: Lots of new blogs 
OPENING: E-mails
GIGGLING: My {L} is a little boho flower child
FEELING:  Wanderlust......Blame it on my gypsy soul


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