Thursday, October 24, 2019

Autumn's Song

There's a warbling melody towards the West in the pines of the hill as the sun rises in the East. Light dusky blue takes over the shadow of cobalt held by the moon and stars. Farmlands awaken with  earthsong of every animal greeting the new day.  Wildflowers lift there sleepy heads to say hello as the morning commences.

 Turkey vultures sit in the Raven Wood holding court before heading out to feed and do damage control. Scratchury of claws on bark, scurrying to the ground to prepare for Winter's icy grasp, squirrels march about. Sitting on the porch outside... looking in as a new day breaks and opportunities open.

 P.S. I'm feeling the extra sacredness of Autumn mornings, what is your favorite sacred morning ritual? If you greet the morning it will rise to greet you.


  1. I felt your respect and love of autumn energy through your words. There is something about this time of year that invites reflection, isn't it?

    My favorite autumnal ritual is cooking for my dead.

  2. Your place looks so comforting and serene, even with the turkey vulture! I'm sad to say that I haven't quite felt much sacredness as of late and pretty much the only concrete morning ritual has been to get up, use the bathroom, and drink coffee. Things are out of sorts here and we're trying to put them right.


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