Friday, May 13, 2016

Photo Friday - A Life's Ride

A Life's Ride Sculptor Memorial Bench in West Sacramento

Mother's Day was spent exploring our own historic Downtown which is known as "Old Sac" to locals. Across the Tower Bridge towards Raley Field is "The River Walk". A ball game was just getting started in the distance as the kids ran to the giant bicycle sculptor to rest  a little from our walk and exploration of our historic city.


  1. OLD SAC, I LOVE IT! I've been wanting to go there lately just to hang out, there's always something interesting going on there. This is an awesome picture, Holly.

    Have a fun weekend. It's my birthday on Sunday, yaaaay.

    love, ~me

    off to check out your latest instagram pics. :)

  2. What a fantastic shot, Holly! Love how your babes look all cool and relax, just hanging out. ♥


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