Friday, April 10, 2015

April Love

I can't believe that I completely forgot to do a post about Susannah Conway's April Love 2015 Challenge. Better late then never.

So far I have been participating on Instagram  #aprillove2015, a link to my account can be found on my sidebar. The calender is also great as a blog prompt for daily love posts. We have reached day 10 already! This month sure is flying by.

Day 10 : My Superpower

According to my 4 yr old I have boots with springs to leap high over buildings. My hair is in a ponytail so it doesn't block my view. My super power is overcoming obstacles, being on top of situations with clear vision. 

I hope everyone has an awesome Friday and the weekend holds some adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the imagination of a child, Holly. Love the picture your 4 year old drew. This is You in your child's eyes. :~)

    Have a fun weekend. Speaking of children.......I'm actually going to a fundraiser tomorrow to help raise money for school clothes for these little ones. :~)

    love, ~Sheri


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